博主用的是python 3.4,如果有用python 2.x的朋友,可以参考python 3和python 2的不同
import urllib.request import re
#url = input('请输入您需要爬取的百度贴吧的地址:') url = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3975584183'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) html = response.read().decode('utf-8') return html
<div id="post_content_
p = re.compile('<div id="post_content_.*?>(.*?)</div>')
python的正则表达式元字符,以及其他规则这里暂不做详述。可以参照这篇文章python 正则表达式 概述及常用字符
需要说明的是:这里.*?不在是原有的含义。相当于一个组合用法。搜索 python的贪婪模式与懒惰模式
其实在之前,博主还在想,如何在匹配到内容之后,将<div id…>等去掉,但是之后明白只需要加一个括号就可以了.确实是很方便.
items = p.findall(html)
removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>') removeAddr = re.compile('<a.*?>|</a>') removeLine = re.compile('<tr>|<div>|</div>|<p>|<td>|') removeClass = re.compile('<div class=".*?>')
items = re.sub(removeImg, '', items) items = re.sub(removeAddr, '', items) items = re.sub(removeLine, '', items) items = re.sub(removeClass, '', items)
s = "hello 123 world 456" replace_s = re.sub('\d+', '222', s) print(replace_s)
会打印出:’hello 222 world 222′
floor = 1 for item in items: item = replace(item) with open('tieba.txt', 'a') as f: floorline = '这个是第' + str(floor) + '楼---------------------\n' enterline = '\n\n' print(floorline) print(item) f.write(floorline) f.write(item) f.write(enterline) floor = floor + 1
这里with open(‘tieba.txt’, ‘a’)用到的是a,而不是w,是因为这里要间断地进行打印,所以是不断向后面追加内容.
#2015年8月16日 20:46:30 #百度贴吧爬取 正则表达式 网页html爬取 #by imekaku.com import urllib.request import re #url = input('请输入您需要爬取的百度贴吧的地址:') url = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3975584183' def openUrl(url): #模拟浏览器浏览行为,添加headers #获取网页 response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) html = response.read().decode('utf-8') return html #替换不必要的字符 def replace(items): removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>') removeAddr = re.compile('<a.*?>|</a>') removeLine = re.compile('<tr>|<div>|</div>|<p>|<td>|') removeClass = re.compile('<div class=".*?>') items = re.sub(removeImg, '', items) items = re.sub(removeAddr, '', items) items = re.sub(removeLine, '', items) items = re.sub(removeClass, '', items) items = items.strip() return items html = openUrl(url) p = re.compile(' <div id="post_content_.*?>(.*?)</div>') items = p.findall(html) floor = 1 for item in items: item = replace(item) with open('tieba.txt', 'a') as f: floorline = '这个是第' + str(floor) + '楼---------------------\n' enterline = '\n\n' print(floorline) print(item) f.write(floorline) f.write(item) f.write(enterline) floor = floor + 1
感谢楼主! :oops:
NameError: name ‘item’ is not defined
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